
How to get rid of post-acne scars?

Acne, affecting a huge population of young people, can become a source of complexes, uncertainty in social life or low self-assessment. Many of those who have successfully passed their acne treatments and overcome their skin inflammations are left with a bad looking remnant of the affliction in the form of scars. So, the “survivor” has to face another problem.

How do post-acne scars develop?

Acne is one of the widespread dermatological afflictions that develops in as much as 8% of the population. It is often classified as a disease of adolescence because it typically affects individuals aged twelve to twenty four. In rare cases it can persist even after the age of thirty. Many of these young people are left with discolorations or scars on the skin. Usually, such lesions develop when the disease is treated wrongly (e.g., by scratching or popping pimples) or not at all. Most post-acne scars have the form of a pit. Where there are many of them, the affected area of the skin looks wrinkled. Other such lesions, those caused by tissue overgrowth, can look and feel like hard bulges.

How to get rid of post-acne scars?

The unfortunate feature of acne is that even proper care may not protect the skin against the occurrence of scars. However, we have a number of treatment methods and procedures by which we can improve the look of our skin. In each case, the idea of taking a scar correction treatment should be consulted with a doctor who will evaluate the extent, depth and the overall condition of the scars and will recommend a method best suited to the needs and expectations of the patient. The professional therapies for post-acne scars include the regeneration of damaged skin with the preparation known as LINERASE, applied by the technique of mesotherapy. Linerase stimulates the production of collagen to fill up gaps in the skin. The procedure can be performed on the face, neckline and other body parts affected by post-acne scars. Also laser treatment is an effective method. Our Clinic offers a number of solutions, such as the eCO2 fractional laser as our golden standard in the treatment of any types of scars including keloids. Another proven method is the SMART PLEASE laser technology developed in Liechtenstein, combining the irradiation with simultaneous application of various collagen-building preparations. Further, our Clinic has an excellent track record in treating atrophic scars using the PLASMAGE and RF INFINII technologies and our ability to combine various procedures and technologies is the key to our success.

The price list
ECO2 LUTRONIC fractional laser
2050 pln
1150 pln
1430 pln
990 pln
1350 pln
to be agreed individually
500 pln

Autor: Dr Parda

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