Myths, which turns into complicantions!
Among patients undergoing aesthetic medicine treatments, there are many myths unsupported by scientific knowledge that can lead to various postoperative complications. "It is better to prevent than to cure" was the proverb of Dr. Parda while introducing a new standard of aesthetic medicine to the Clinic – facial ultrasound with doppler. Why is preventive screening so important? See for yourself!
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One of the leading myths is the belief that there are "safe treatment areas" in our body, such as the mouth and the eye area. This belief has very serious consequences. Considering how complicated and innervated these areas of the face are (e.g. connections with brain vessels) and innervation, only a qualified doctor can apply fillers to their area. For the patient's safety, it is imperative that the person performing the procedure has both anatomical and medical expertise. Inadequate administration of an incorrectly selected filler may lead to ischemia or obstruction of the artery, and, as a result, to tissue necrosis. Additionally, it should be emphasized that the tissues around the eye are extremely delicate. There are also extremely important lymphatic vessels, which may result in eye swelling, which we do not like. Moreover, an incorrectly administered preparation in this area, often also poorly selected, which reaches the artery may cause not only tissue necrosis, but what is even worse in this area. There is also a huge risk of blindness, most often irreversible, due to arterial anastomoses.
Surprising ... filler redistributions
Not only the injection of the filler into the blood vessel is a potential source of complications during aesthetic medicine procedures. It is also a phenomenon of redistribution of the filler in the period of several months after the procedure. It mainly affects the areas around the mouth and eyes and is most often the result of using the wrong type of filler, overfilling it, or using the wrong injection technique. As a result, the patient may notice changes in the face, accompanied by discomfort and swelling. In this case, facial ultrasound helps locate the filler to inject hyaluronidase exactly where it is needed.
When beauty meets technology - Beautydoc Academy USG COURSE
That is why the ultrasound examination, which shows the tissues in real time and clearly shows the position of blood vessels, is a new standard in aesthetic medicine, on the basis of which our clinic works. It allows us not only to get to know the anatomy of a given area, but also to map the blood vessels that can have a unique location for each patient. The English saying "patient dosen’t read the book" is true. Additionally, in the event of a risk of a vascular or other complication, it facilitates proper management. For aesthetic medicine specialists who share our perception of safety during medical procedures, Dr. Parda's Clinic has prepared a face ultrasound course in aesthetic medicine. In the course you will learn about mobile high-frequency ultrasound heads that revolutionize aesthetic medicine by increasing the level of safety of both you and your patients.
The Face ultrasound courses in aesthetic medicine at Beautydoc Academy are addressed to all doctors practicing aesthetic medicine who want to learn about the application of this unique tool (basic course), or expand their knowledge (advanced course).