
The lividity under the eyes since childhood

The lividity under the eyes is a frequent consequence of a sleepless night or of tiredness. Sometimes it can be a symptom of illness. However, it happens that the dark rings have been a part of someone’s looks since childhood. In the latter case, this a genetic heritage and, typically, the defect troubles other members of the family too. Then, the lividity is not a cause for concern but can be an aesthetic problem because others may perceive it as a sign of chronic tiredness or even disease. Fortunately, there is a rescue.

What are the shadows under the eyes?

Shadows around the lower eyelids are caused by expanded blood vessels showing through thin skin. They can be there since childhood and, sometimes, reveal health issues. Most often they are a symptom of allergy, deficiency of iron or atopic dermatitis. However, where the doctor has ruled out the health condition as an underlying cause, it is most likely that the tendency to develop lividity is genetic. This means that the dark rings can stay for good. Some people try to accept the defect while others will do anything to conceal it.

How to deal with the lividity around the eyes?

The typical first reaction to the dark rings is the reaching for an eye care cream. This can help for lividity caused by tiredness because the treatment reduces the swelling and alleviates the redness. However, the application of cosmetics will not resolve the problem for those who have had shadows under the eyes since childhood because, usually, it is the very thin and sensitive skin that is the root cause. It is not that using preparations containing beneficial active ingredients does not make sense. On the contrary, such products can help to maintain skin tense and delay the process of aging that aggravates the problem. Also nourishing masks, compresses and other deep-acting treatments can be applied under the eyes. On the other hand, there are more superficial, defect-masking treatments, such as the application of a concealer. However, the both approaches are good for a short term. What to do to get rid of the shadows for longer?

CGF: therapy with concentrated growth factors and stem cells

Mesotherapy with growth factors and stem cells (CGF) is one of the methods for alleviating the problem. The treatment is similar to that based on platelet-rich plasma (PRP) because, also in this case, blood is taken from the patient and centrifuged in a cell separator. The process is slightly slower, which enables production of highly concentrated growth factors and stem cells. This preparation, injected by the doctor around the eye, facilitates tissue rebuilding and regeneration processes. After a series of treatments, the patient can expect reduction of the infraorbital lividity.

The eradication of shadows under the eyes with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a very important ingredient of the skin structure, responsible to a high degree for is overall condition. This substance gets gradually depleted with age. Fortunately, today it can be re-introduced to the skin in the form of a filler. The preparation used as a substitute for the natural tissue-builder also binds water, so the treatment alleviates the lividity problem and makes the areas around the eyes look fresh and young. Further, the treatment straightens up sensitive wrinkles and the look recovers its former juvenile radiance. Note, however, that the injection of hyaluronic acid around the eyes requires huge expertise from the doctor and an adequate product. Unfortunately, hyaluronic acid showing through, swelling or uneven skin are not infrequent effects of unprofessional treatment. This is why considering the lipolifting procedure is recommended.

The filling of the under-eye shadows with the patient’s own fatty tissue

The Milan lipolifting performed by our Clinic consists in transferring (grafting) the patient’s own fatty tissue collected from their body to under the eyes. This method makes it possible to fill the skin up while stem cells contained in the graft activate regenerative processes. The skin under the eyes becomes thicker and firmer, so the shadows become less prminent. Concentrated growth factors (CGF) are applied to the skin, or the mesotherapy is performed, once a month, for even better result. A small quantity of fatty tissue for the graft is collected from the patient during the treatment, usually from an “abundant” body part, such as a side of the belly. Then, the graft is prepared by the doctor and injected under the eyes. The treatment owes it name to Dr. Goisis of Milan who has patented the method. The procedure uses a special canula for effective protection of stem cells and for minimizing the invasiveness. It is performed under infiltration anesthesia. Once done, the patient can go home and return to work on the next day. The skin heals very quickly after the treatment and small bruises can be the only adverse side effect. It is recommended to re-take the treatment once a year to continue to enjoy young and bright skin under the eyes.

The price list
Price from
Price to
5200 pln
4500 pln
6 X CGF LIQUID additionally to LIPOFILLING
3000 pln
SWAN NECK 1 procedure
2450 pln
SWAN NECK 3 procedures package
6600 pln

Autor: Dr Parda

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