
NEW!!! Leonardo A.L.T. technology - fast and painless hair removal

Traditional hair removal methods, such as shavers, waxes or epilators, are becoming a thing of the past. At the moment, the price of laser hair removal is affordable enough for people to decide to permanently remove unwanted hair more and more often. The smooth skin effect you can enjoy without having to use temporary measures is very convenient.

Unfortunately, laser hair removal is one of those treatments which we associate with discomfort, lengthy and burdensome process that needs to be repeated several times. Fortunately,

there has been a breakthrough in the field. As of now, the procedure will become fast and painless.


Laser hair removal - short presentation

Laser hair removal is an effective alternative for all other hair removal methods. There are many ways you can make your skin smooth, yet most of them work only temporary. Depending on the method, hair regrowth time can range from one day to several weeks. So these methods need systematic approach and care. Also, skin irritation and redness tends to appear after hair removal.

Another frequent problem is ingrown hair and inflammation. Besides, the available methods of getting rid of body hair for a long time, i.e. wax or epilator, are quite painful. Therefore, many people choose laser hair removal, which will remove unwanted hair permanently. The procedure is very popular, particularly among women suffering from hirsutism. But hair removal is not just women’s domain. More and more men decide to remove hair from selected parts of the body, for hygienic as well as esthetic reasons.


Hair removal without pain

There are many laser hair removal machines available on the market. The new generation products are not only effective but also highly comfortable for users. When people choose the place of treatment, many of them consider it important to minimize the level of pain involved. Leonardo A.L.T. Hyper Pulse is an innovation among the laser devices. The laser is supported by a patented skin cooling system. When the pulses are generated, the laser head does not heat up and the patient feels soothing cool with an anesthetic effect on the treatment area.


Whole body hair removal in less than twenty minutes

What distinguishes Leonardo A.L.T. Hyper Pulse is the high energy. This is the only laser machine available in the world that produces 5 pulses per second with a combined energy of 200 J. Compared to other generation equipment, the efficiency of this technology is 5 times higher. Multiple passes are not needed because the energy delivered to the tissues will effectively damage and remove the hairs at first pass. With the cooling system, even such advanced parameters do not cause a risk of burns. Also, the time needed for hair removal becomes much shorter. Depending on a patient’s individual conditions, unwanted hair can be removed from the whole body in 18 to 25 minutes. Thus, the A.L.T. technology is much more effective than others available at the moment, which makes it a perfect choice for people in need of quick, safe and pain-free methods of unwanted hair removal.