Consultations before decision on plastic surgery procedures
Plastic surgery is medicine area, which can solve many problems connecting with appearance. Its main assumption is not only body beautifying, but, first of all, help people, who suffering from accidents or in result of congenital defect. Rejuvenation, body remodelling or look improvement, also belongs to plastic surgery tasks. Surgeries or procedures with using scalpel are still very invasive procedure, which every time subjects organism to complications risk. So, the decision should be thought over rationally.
Correction of relevant part of body or figure slandering, can significantly cause self-acceptance increase and living comfort improvement, but we still should remember that it will not solve all problems and we will not become different persons.
If we want to ensure, we make mature decision, it is worth to consult with psychiatrist. The specialist, first of all, make assessment if patient’s expectations are not too high comparing to real possibilities. If given person has concrete nose shape and volume vision in his mind, which is impossible to make and will not suit to face, such person shouldn’t have the surgery at all. Unreal expectations lead to disappointments and many re-surgeries.
The procedures are not advisable in case of diagnosed mental disorders. If patient affected with depression, treats plastic surgery as remedy to all his problems, first of all, he should start depression treatment. It is similar in case of body dysmorphic disorder, when patients sees invisible defects in his look. In such cases, plastic surgery ends with another problem, just right after.
There are situations, when patient makes decision, at third persons insistence, e.g. partner. When we have doubts, if the will of look improvement comes from ourselves, or we are doing this only to meet others expectations, earlier consultation is recommended.