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Aesthetic gynaecology
Women aware of their body, more frequently decide to use the possibilities of modern medicine, including aesthetic gynaecology. Development of this relatively young field results with no taboo on correction and rejuvenation of intimate areas. Lack of satisfaction from sexual life by women after giving birth or during menopause, can cause frustration, discomfort and complex, which affect relationship and whole life quality.
Women in every age can undergo gynaecology procedures. They are efficient when it comes to solving problems connected with slack labia, vagina dryness and irritation, urinary incontinence, hypocystotomy scars, pain during sexual intercourse, intimate area stinging and itching. The procedures are safe, non-invasive, recuperation short. The most important thing is selection of experienced doctor and clinic, because each procedure must be preceded by consultation with the doctor - gynaecology specialist. The treatment is usually preceded by the tests of blood coagulation, urine, morphology, cytology and its results decide on qualification to treatment.