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In Dr Parda clinic we perform treatment based on the patented technology of skin cooling in real-time energy emission. During treatments, we protect the patient, avoiding burns, as it could happen in old generations of devices. Laser technology uses the mechanism of light energy emission in technologically groundbreaking solutions. Until now, there has been no device that generates the energy of 200 J/s, which allows to perform quick epilation treatments without pain and in a safe way.
Thanks to unique laser technology the treatment technique is fast and does not require repetition of movements in a given area. The energy that we deliver to the tissue at the time of emission allows the removal and damage of hair without the need to repeat movements in this area. Thanks to this, the treatments are ultra-effective, very fast and painless.
The energies of laser reach different layers of the skin while fulfilling their therapeutic and aesthetic tasks. The evolutionary technology of A.L.T. allows for safer and more effective treatment thanks to its natural versatility.
The treatments are practically painless thanks to the patented contact anesthesia system. The surface of the treatment area is 100% cooled when high energy penetrates the skin. Thanks to this solution, our patients can be treated with a technology that is 5 times stronger, and at the same time painless. The treatments are safe and non-invasive. A.L.T. treatments last from a few minutes to several dozen thanks to the high-energy 2Hz - 5Hz pulse application system. This is a breakthrough in treatment procedures, for example photorejuvenation. That's what's makes A.L.T. that fast, safe and much more effective.
Leo's prophylaxis is also important here. A.L.T. prevention of skin aging - this is an ideal technology also for young people.
Indications for laser treatment A.L.T. it is primarily an effective rejuvenation of the skin thanks to the strong stimulation of collagen, which results in a natural smoothing of wrinkles. We also use it to treat skin discoloration or remove facial erythema. We also use A.L.T. in treatment of acne or onychomycosis.
The powerful energy from the accumulative flashes of light (5 Hz) is triggered via very fast pulses that attack the main chromoprotein cells, hemoglobin and melanin. With A.L.T. full body epilation takes 18-25 minutes! Through the biological process, it translates into enormous thermal energy (up to 200 J/s; 70-75 degrees C), which causes the coagulation of proteins and stem cells that nourish the hair roots (skin warts), which causes their destruction.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Active skin diseases
- Epilepsy
- Autoimmune diseases
- Neoplasms and/or a history of such diseases
- Hormonal diseases *
- Use of blood thinners *
- Diabetes *
- When taking antibiotics and/or other drugs known as photosensitive
- It is absolutely forbidden to take Roaccutane, Retinol and preparations containing AHA and / or BHA
* Requires medical approval
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