Individual nutrition plans for kids and adults
Nutrition plans consist of bills of fare, directed to achieving concrete result, depending on patient needs, e.g. reduce overweight or pharma-therapy support in different diseases. Our specialist prepares individual plan for every patient. It is based on interview with patient, which allows to recognize the problem but also health condition. During diet creation, patient culinary skills and his taste preferences are very important. We don’t want patients to treat the diet as a punishment, which bans all favourite food. Nutrition specialist tries, as much as possible, comply with patient tastes, to have a diet as a pleasure not a must. If patient, during interview, mentions that his favourite snack is fries, it doesn’t mean they appear in daily menu, but there is a chance to find healthier and less-caloric alternative.
Nutrition advices are also tailored to individual lifestyle and work model. Depending on patient working hours, meals hours and its number can be different. Diets are balanced in terms of energetic demand. Demand for protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Diet is also tailored to patient lifestyle and physical activity. Bills of fare are prepared in a way, which ensures healthy pace of reducing weight – half or one kilogramme per week.
We recommend preparation of individual diet plan to persons, who have problem with weight maintenance, want to change their figure look, suffering from health problems, do sports intensively or struggle with nutrition disorders. They are indicated also for persons, who have nutrition intolerance or allergy, e.g. gluten sensitive. Properly prepared diet is also important for growing children and future mothers.
Thanks to healthy, balanced diet, patients have possibility to observe better look of body look and well-being (physical and psyche). Advices and nutritional plans, prepared by dietician, tone in others medical treatments and cause health state improvement.