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Facial telangiectasies treatment (red spiders)

“Spider veins” appearing on the face, caused by enlargement of capillary vessels, can be an aesthetic problem and a cause of discomfort. Susceptibility to the vessel breakage is typically genetic but the problem can also result from hormonal or cardiovascular dysfunctions or from skin hypersensitivity.

V-LASER comes to aid those struggling with this ailment. The device can eradicate vessels showing through skin by irradiating them safely with long deep-penetrating impulses of light.

Before the treatment, each patient undergoes a medical examination for evaluation of the number, condition and depth of problematic vessels. Then, the laser is configured for optimal result based on this input. The procedure is preceded by face skin peeling for prevention of laser light dispersion and for improvement of effectiveness.

The facial vessel closure procedure is painless though patients with more extensive lesions can experience a slight burning sensation. Skin can stay reddened and slightly swelling for a few days after the treatment. The patient should treat his or her face skin gently and refrain from using alcohol-based cosmetics and rough towels.

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