Nose telangiectasies treatment (red spiders)
A telangiectasia occurring in the nose area can be a persistent aesthetic problem. The problem develops from an apparently benign condition: the reddening of the nose, sometimes with minute red strains. The strains are capillary vessels that have expanded and show through the skin. The ailment can affect any individual with fine and sensitive, or vascular, skin. The breaking of the vessels can be genetically driven and, in this case, it can hardly be prevented. The condition can aggravate and turn into a bad looking telangiectasia in persons who tend to go red in the face under the influence of cold or alcohol.
Consulting a doctor and undergoing a laser therapy is the most effective ways of handling the vascular problem. However, the choice of the laser device must not be random. The Clinic of the Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Therapies of Dr Parda uses the V-LASER that emits impulses of varying wavelengths, which enables the closing of vessels located at various depths: the shallower ones (typically red) and the deeper (blue, appearing on legs). The laser-induced closing of veins on the ala of nose is a very safe method. Each patient who chooses or Clinic is checked by an expert for the skin condition and counterindications for laser therapy.
The beam of laser light penetrates skin and hits the vessel, the blood hemoglobin of which absorbs the energy. Then, the vessel heats up, undergoes irreversible damage and, in time, turns into fibrous tissue. The swelling and redness that can follow the procedure decline within a few days. During this time the patient should apply skin care cosmetics and avoid anything that could irritate his or her skin.