

Skin care in the summer season
Summer enemies of our skin
Autor: Dr. Parda

We often encounter the misconception that dry skin is only a problem in winter. Although the symptoms are similar, treating dry skin in summer is different because the factors causing skin dehydration(...)

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Fresh look for spring
Autor: Dr. Parda

A fresh and youthful appearance without signs of fatigue? Who doesn't dream of that. Most of us lead quite an intense lifestyle these days, which also leaves its mark on our skin. You can feel and loo(...)

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How to care for the skin around the eyes
Autor: Dr. Parda

The skin around the eyes is one of the most sensitive areas, prone to easy damage. The eyes are also where signs of aging are most visible. Around them, there are 22 muscles that are constantly moving(...)

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A healthy diet for winter residues
Rejuvenating diet
Autor: Dr. Parda

Spring has arrived, and before we know it, it will be summer! We will shed our warm clothes, reveal more of our bodies, and with trepidation, we'll notice our dry skin, streaks of cellulite, folds, fl(...)

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Proven methods of aesthetic medicine for effective weight loss
Weight loss - fast, painless, and without surgery
Autor: Dr. Parda

Beloved bodies can never be too much, but... Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, most of us dream of a slim figure and a firm body, free of love handles, folds, flanks, and cellulite. Unfortunately,(...)

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New Year's Cleanup
Autor: Dr. Parda

Thanks to fortunate coincidences in the calendar at the turn of 2016 and 2017, many of us were able to rest for up to two weeks. As we slowly return to our regular routines, it's time to organize our(...)

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The validity of aesthetic gynecology in women
Intimate Taboo - Regain Your Femininity
Autor: Dr. Parda

Aesthetic gynecology is a young field of medicine that is becoming increasingly popular. More and more body-conscious women are opting to use these discoveries, and thanks to its development, rejuvena(...)

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