
Blefaroplastics, eye plastic surgery

Blepharoplasty is an eyelid plastic surgery procedure involving the removal of excess skin from the lower and/or upper eyelid, as well as restoring proper tension to individual fascial structures. Droopy eyelids arise in connection with the progressive flaccidity of the skin, as well as the gravitational drop of the eyebrow and forehead tissues. Eyelid plastic surgery consists of removing the fat accumulated in the eye area and, above all, the flaccid skin. It is performed under local anaesthesia. The stitches, which are applied after the procedure, can be removed even a few days after and you about a week later the patient can return to the regular daily routine. The effects of blepharoplasty persist even for a dozen or so years. You can enjoy your new youthful look for a long time.

Upper and lower eyelids plastic surgery
Eyelid plastic surgery is a procedure, thanks to which your face can gain a youthful appearance - the skin and fat from the eyelid area are removed, which results in lifting and makes the skin looks relaxed. Moreover, droopy eyelids do not restrict vision. Eyelid plastic surgery allows for removing the so-called bags under your eyes, and will also subtly smooth out wrinkles. Excess of loose skin in the eye area is mainly related to the passage of time, however, young people with certain anatomical predispositions can also be affected. Excessively droopy upper eyelids may restrict the field of vision, which not only has a huge impact on the overall aesthetic appearance but also health and everyday functioning. Blepharoplasty can be performed surgically, i.e. with the use of a scalpel, however, in Dr Parda Aesthetic Medicine Clinic we also use modern and minimally invasive plasma-based solutions. The PLASMAGE device lifts the upper eyelid, removes bags under the eyes, and reduces crow's feet and other wrinkles that become visible with age.

Eyelid correction - effects
Removing superfluous skin fragments may change the image of a person with drooping eyelids, who used to look always sleepy or sad. Eyelid plastic surgery is a great way to get rid of fat hernia. Blepharoplasty does not require any prior preparation, the whole procedure is extremely fast and efficient, and convalescence is not too long and does not require any special actions either. Usually, upper eyelid surgery is performed in an outpatient mode as the procedure only takes several dozen minutes. Candidates for the procedure include both men and women, usually older than 35 years. Blepharoplasty is a surgery that can boost not only appearance but also your frame of mind.

The price list
5500 pln
7700 pln

Autor: Dr Parda

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