
Dr. Parda reveals the secrets of facial ultrasound

Ultrasound examination (USG) has been an indispensable diagnostic method in many medical fields for many years. Recently, facial ultrasound has also become a new standard in aesthetic medicine. For almost a year now, at Dr. Parda's Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, every consultation has been enhanced with facial ultrasound, allowing for more precise planning of aesthetic procedures and avoiding or minimizing vascular complications associated with them. Facial ultrasound can also be used in the treatment of complications, mainly vascular or painful ones, that our patient or a patient from another clinic may present with after a previously performed procedure. In such cases, Dr. Parda has the ability to act effectively, safely, and precisely.

What is the purpose of a facial ultrasound consultation?

Before undergoing aesthetic medical procedures, a facial ultrasound consultation is conducted, which is the gold standard of the clinic and is therefore essential for creating an effective treatment plan. Facial ultrasound, preceding minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, enables the visualization of individual skin structures and the diagnosis of previously deposited skin implants. The most significant benefit of its use is the mapping of blood vessels, which is practically necessary for the safe conduct of the procedure due to vascular anomalies. In clinical practice, we find that a "patient in the office" and a "patient from a textbook or anatomical atlas" are two different worlds.

What are the indications for performing a facial ultrasound:

  • Evaluation of individual components of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and facial muscles
  • Mapping of blood vessels
  • Diagnosis and treatment of complications, mainly vascular

Are there any contraindications for a facial ultrasound?

In principle, there are no contraindications for performing a facial ultrasound because it is a non-invasive and painless diagnostic method that can even be performed on pregnant women. The simplicity of facial ultrasound allows doctors to diagnose the problem and select the most effective treatment methods, as well as monitor the effects of the procedures, making it possible to provide exceptionally effective assistance to patients.

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Autor: Dr Parda

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