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Fat tissue modeling
LASERS FOR DELIVERY OF ACTIVE SUBSTANCES is unique combination of lasertherapy with active substances applying into the deepest layers of skin.
Unique SmartPorationTM technology, with pulsation „cuts” micropores in skin, stimulating it to new collagen fibres and elastin production.
The area of tissue damaged during procedure is only 1 to 15 percent, what comes to very short recuperation time.
Depending on indications, during procedure we apply hyaluronic acid, platelet rich plasma, mesotherapeutical coctails or vitamins, nourishing tissues in the dippers skin layers.
Skin Contact Recognition - registered system of discovering of contact with skin guarantees safety during procedure and single-use Clean Tec insert and pollution evacuation system, allows to keep the highest hygienic standards.
The procedure is addressed both to women and men.
Time of session: 40-60 minutes.
First effects are visible even 5-7 days. It's worth to remember that rebuilding skin process lasts 30 days, so the results increase with time and positive change are to observe up to 3 motnhs.
The procedure is not painful, recupration time is 2 to 4 days, depending on parameters used.
skin laxity,
- strech marks,
drooping face oval,
shallow and deep wrinkles,
after acne scars,
pigmentation disorders,
- discolorations.
- pregnancy,
- breast feeding,
- epilepsy,
- atopic skin inflammation,
- previous or ongoing oncology diseases,
- sun/UV exposure,
- active herpes,
- virus diseases (HIV, WZW),
- active infections,
- chemical peeleings (2 weeks break after session),
- A vitamine derivatives taking (6 months after treatment end).
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