Depression more frequently impacts people in different age. It causes deep disturbances not only mental functions but also physical. Person with depression often doesn’t have power to do the simplest things. He neglects his look, hygiene, he doesn’t prepare meals. Because of decrease of life quality, sick person is accompanied by continuous guilt, in heavier cases also suicidal thinking. Depression needs treatment by the specialist. Combining psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment is the most efficient.
How to recognize the depression? Usually, it is associated with deep miserableness, long lasting sadness and apathy, this is why its early symptoms are ignored or confound with normal exhaustion.
If you observe such symptoms, as:
- sleep disorders (insomnia, over sleepiness),
- exhaustion,
- no apetite or too much,
- anxiety feeling,
- problems with concentration,
- libido decrease,
there is a big likelihood that you are touched with depression.
Depression treatment in our Clinic is based on behaviour-cognitive therapy. Thanks to it, patient is able to recognize the disease and understand its mechanisms. He learns new behaviours, to perceive the world from different perspective. The therapy also helps in emotions expression learning, because one of the main depression reasons are suppressed feelings.
Depression never disappear itself. There are remission periods, but usually after them, depression comes back with multiplied power. There are methods for relief of depression symptoms, but they don’t cause remedy and only cover the problem. Healthy diet, exercises, walks can support negative thinking reduction but the should be combined with proper therapy. Depression treatment should be supervised by the specialist, who has knowledge and experience in this area. Such person can be able to understand patient’s problem and help in proper way. In our Clinic, there is experienced psychiatrist who deals with depression treatment. She has many years of medical practice and experience with persons with different psyche disorders.