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Marionette lines

Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin component, responsible for firmness and hydration. The contents of this substance decrease with age, and the skin becomes thinner, dry and wrinkled. As a consequence of insufficient skin tension, characteristic lines are formed between the cheek and chin. They run vertically on both sides of the face, giving it a sad look - that is why they are commonly called ‘marionette lines’ or ‘sadness lines’. A tendency to develop such lines can often run in the family. The facial structure is highly relevant here - fully-cheeked persons are at a higher risk of developing marionette lines. The problem can also be exacerbated by body weight fluctuations. 

The product which is most often used for filling these lines is hyaluronic acid. It restores the right level of tissue hydration, smooths out the skin and improves the overall facial appearance. Hyaluronic acid product is injected under the line itself, as a filler and rejuvenating agent. The lines will be less prominent and the face will look generally better after the procedure. The actual result largely depends on the depth of the lines. 

The hyaluronic acid filler treatment offers an immediate effect, without leaving any unwanted traces. The only side effect can be the local reddening of the injection area. This, however, will subside in a few days. The procedure is performed in local anesthesia and is therefore completely painless for the patient. The results are maintained for about 8-12 months. The procedure should be repeated after that time. Other marionette line treatment options include collagen boosters (hydroxyapatite), such as Crystalis or Ellanse, which deliver a very natural and prolonged effect, lasting 1.5 to 2 years.

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