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Non-invasive face/body lifting

Any treatment intended to rejuvenate skin, particularly on exposed parts of the body including face and neck, requires high precision and application of advanced and safe methods. Many patients are afraid of the surgical lifting not only because of the risk but also due to the long period of convalescence and the eventuality of being left with blemishing scars. Fortunately, anyone who wishes to restore the young look of his or her face, or model the body, can use the non-invasive lifting method.

The ULVERIN high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) emitter can improve skin tension on any part of the body including face. In contrast to the surgical lifting, the therapy does not require convalescence or even a longer stay in the clinic. It is also much safer than the plastic surgery. The procedure is rapid and slightly painful. The ultrasonic energy applied to the body causes controlled burns in the target area without affecting the surrounding tissues. The treatment stimulates synthesis of new collagen and strengthens the existing one, producing an uplifting and tensioning effect on the skin.

The method is used most often for the lifting of skin on the face and neck. It can provide spectacular results even for very lax skin. The treatment leaves no scars and does not affect the patient’s life. The result holds up to 12 months.

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