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The controller of your personal data is BEAUTY doc Barbara Parda-Głomska with its registered office in Piaseczno at ul. Gruszek i Jabłuszek 7, NIP: 7391279121, REGON: 510686416. Data filled in the contact form will be proceeded in order to answer sent question, according to regulations. .
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Microneedle radiofrequency

Microneedle radiofrequency is the only currently available device, which uses 3-dimensional volumising to thicken and firm the skin. Microneedle radiofrequency combines the results of micropuncturing, fractional laser and radio waves in one device, but doesn’t overheat the scarfskin. The procedure not only eliminates skin defects (wrinkles, skin limpness, scars, striae), but also increases skin density and resistance. It can be performed not only on the face (including eyes area) but also on the body – cleavage, arms, hands, breast, thighs, buttocks. The modern technology and unique procedure used in Microneedle radiofrequency, on the one hand ensures maximized comfort, and on the other hand, gives spectacular effects. Microneedle radiofrequency can be proceed during the whole year. The therapeutic protocol usually covers 3 sessions with one month break between.


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